Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Has Facebook become your worst enemy?

Real Talk:

You need to work on your own happiness. If you find yourself looking at others’ achievements, you are letting them control the way you feel about yourself. Envy removes our understanding that being glad for another’s success and happiness does not affect or weaken our personal accomplishment and contentment.

We are all aware that Facebook causes envy that can lead to depression. Facebook is a social networking site that allows everybody to stay connected with others and to share interesting and important aspects of our lives. However, at this moment I noticed that Facebook is being used to brag about achievements, relationship and financial status. We can also say that, it is one of the causes why we feel dissatisfied with our lives. I also must admit that I was one of these people who became addicted to Facebook since I always post pictures of dates with my boyfriend, at first I don’t mean to brag at all until I realized that this is how I look like to others and this is how others look like to me.

Facebook can be a fun and healthy activity if users take advantage of the site just to keep in-touch with family and old friends and to share interesting and important events in our lives.” But If Facebook posts changes your positive mood into a negative one every day because you can see others’ travel experiences, promotion, happy relationships, and financial status, sometimes even beautiful faces, then I guess you should try not to check your news-feed every now and then. If you can’t control yourself, I think the best thing to do is to delete your Facebook account and stay away from your gadgets for a while until you overcome your insecurities.

So if you use Facebook often but you always compare yourself to others and gives you hurtful feelings then Facebook is not a good idea to stay connected with your friends. It is important for us to be aware that this site has many risks that can give us negative feelings.


  1. i agree! in some ways it is useful.. but dont ruin your life by seing other people achevements..
    Lets use facebook as connector not a destroyer.

  2. Replies
    1. Facebook is a site to freely express yourself, but not to destroy others. One who is capable of using this must also be responsible in posting status, photos, videos, making comments. Just be aware of the thing that a Facebook user must admire and be inspired of what people had reached and succeed, not of getting envied which would cause lead to more serious conditions, especially mental aspects. Be a responsible user.

    2. Facebook is a site to freely express yourself, but not to destroy others. One who is capable of using this must also be responsible in posting status, photos, videos, making comments. Just be aware of the thing that a Facebook user must admire and be inspired of what people had reached and succeed, not of getting envied which would cause lead to more serious conditions, especially mental aspects. Be a responsible user.

  3. Thank you for commenting and sharing your knowledge.

  4. HAs Facebook become my worst enemy?
    certainly not! Why would it be my worst enemy? It's created
    to help connect people wherever they are. I think the worst enemy
    that a person can have is him/herself alone. Nobody could really make yourself happy but you alone.
    Happiness is all in the mind and it's also a decision.
    If you think that Facebook is your worst enemy then certainly it will be.
    BUt if you think that Facebook is very useful then it certainly is. Therefore, people
    who sees things around them negatively are pessimistic people. But people who appreciates things
    around them are certainly optimistic people.
    Since we are given free will, we can either choose to be happy and optimistic or be sad and pessimistic.
    For me, I'd rather seek for inner joy which is lasting rather than happiness which is temporal.^^

    1. Some people think that Facebook is one of the reasons why we feel insecure but I agree with you ms. Kei... Happiness depends on what you think.If you choose to be happy, no one can make you unhappy. If Facebook posts affect your life, then you must be a weak person because persons of strong character are usually the happiest, they will never let insecurities ruin their lives.

    2. Let alone those people full of insecurities envy you. It's not your problem but theirs! hahaha
      I'm sure you post photos in Facebook not to envy or brag but let your friends know what you are up to, right? So long as you are not offending anyone. There's nothing to be guilty about.^^ Cheerios!
