Individualism vs. Collectivism
In BSU-OU, We have a common goal; we help each other so that we can finish our Master’s degree “together” after 4 semesters. We can consider this as a practice of collectivism, but Individualism is still more important. We can’t graduate if we don’t have self-determination. We can’t depend on our classmates but we always show concern to each other and give a hand if we could. In our

A collectivist society
In my hometown in Pampanga, we live in a compound residence
together with my mother’s relatives and neighbors. I can say that the practice
of collectivism is being applied there because the sense of belonging is very
important. The people in this compound residence are willing to make sacrifices
for the betterment of everyone. I can still remember when I had my 18th
birthday party 7 years ago all of our neighbors helped in the preparation. Some
of them donated money; some bought beverages and decorated our place. We also
do the same thing when others need our support. We often ask others opinions as
well and let them give their realistic advice when it comes to decision
making. It might be right because I believe in the saying that “Two heads are
better than one”. Some people also say that sometimes collectivism might be
better than individualism if it is being applied correctly. Different people
have different strengths and point of view. Hence, more people share their
ideas that must concern more dimensions and aspects. Two people working
together have a better chance of solving a problem than one person working
alone. I admit they had a good point on that, but honestly speaking, I didn't
enjoy this situation that much; I felt that I wasn't free. For me personal
freedom is certainly something to be appreciated and enjoyed. When I was in my
hometown, I always think of what other people say. It seems to me that I am
responsible of all of them. If I don’t include them in my plans, they would say
that I am so ungrateful. I want to feel less pressure and judgment and have
more ability to feel free but I guess it would be difficult if I stay there, so
I had to move on. I need to stop
worrying about them for the mean time because I should start worrying about
what is best for me “I’m not getting younger you know”. I know that the practice
of collectivism helped me become a better person, but I have to build
self-determination to be able to succeed in life. That is one of the reasons
why I decided to move here in Baguio City. I want to decide for myself, I need
others’ advice but of course, I always consider myself as the master of my own
fate and the captain of my own soul. Since I experienced being a collectivist
and I learned a lot from it, now I think is time for me to become an
individualist and strive harder on my own.
My opinion about Individualism
As I mentioned, in my hometown in Pampanga especially in our
compound, people are collectivist. Here
in Baguio city, since most of us came from different provinces and cities and
we don’t know each other that much, people tend to be more individualist. We
often greet each other but we tend not to have a long term relationship. Here, everyone
is "on their own" because we are too busy doing our own activities.
Actually, we live close to each other but we have different lives. I don’t care
about them, they don’t care about me. Life is simple because of the practice of
individualism. I don’t need to impress or please everyone, and I shouldn't expect
something in return. My experience here in Baguio city helped me to become a Liberal
person; in this place I felt the sense of freedom. I will not rule or be ruled,
I will not be a master or a slave. Being an individualist doesn't mean being selfish.
It made me realized that every one of us has individual rights and I learned to
understand and respect it. Of course I know that “strong” Individualism has disadvantages,
Individualist could have smaller social support networks, lower emotional
competence, lower intentions to seek help from a variety of sources and poorer
mental health that can lead to suicide. I am not a strong individualist,
because I believe that we should know how to balance collectivism and individualism.
The reason why I chose to be alone for now is because I don’t want to be
dependent on anyone, I learned from a collectivist community and I appreciate
it a lot, but now I want to experience facing and solving my problems on my own,
I am definitely sure that I can be a better person and It can make me feel
stronger. I want to find out what makes me unique and develop it. If I am in a
group of people I think I will never be noticed since all of us are just the
same. I have to set myself apart so that I can discover myself more. Naturally
we need to be surrounded with people who know our worth, I guess, I don’t need
too many people to be happy and successful, just few real ones who can appreciate
me for exactly who I am, will be enough for me. And one more thing, I can
accept advice but I will never let anyone run my life, even my parents who
spent money for my education.
Individualism is congruent to Egoism
We also have different meaning of individualism. For some,
the meaning of individualism is being selfish. Have you noticed? When someone
needs help, especially when it comes to financial support, a good example for
this is the Ice Bucket challenge, we are aware that it is a practice of
collectivism, but since many people are selfish, they showed an act of a
“strong” individualism. If you can still remember the Facebook newsfeed was
flooded by those people who filmed having a bucket of ice water poured on their
heads. Most of them didn’t donate, how did I know? My friends did that!!! But
when I asked them if they donated money for those people who are suffering from
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS ),
they said NO. They can only give sympathy not donations, and we are not even sure
if there is sincerity in their action. According to Mr. Joey De Leon, Don’t
nominate if you don’t donate. Perhaps, some were not serious about it; they only
did it because they wanted to get other’s attention in other words “Pour to
impress” ha-ha. That was for their own benefit, they wanted to be noticed and
not because they desired to support that ALS
foundation. Individualism is similar with egoism (the celebration of the
individual for his efforts and abilities) they don’t want to help, they just
promote their desires. For Americans, they also have other meaning of
individualism. For them, Individualism is liberty; it is the freedom of
everyone but it doesn’t mean that they would not give a hand to those who are
Philippines’ setting
As a Filipino, I find it difficult to describe us as either
collectivists or individualists given the way some of us behave and think. I assume
Filipinos tend to follow a religious belief, like Christian philosophy and
Christianity is more on a practice of collectivism. One more thing, there are
so many Filipinos who depend on the government. They are expecting that the
elected leaders will be the one to lift the status of the economy and the
status of their lives regardless of what they need to share as individuals.
This action can give the people a habit of trying to get something for free,
that’s why many Filipinos are Lazy. On the other hand I can also see that most
of the Filipinos care about their own interests first before others. I
therefore conclude that “Neither is BEST”. We need others and we also need self-determination
in order to succeed as a whole or as an individual.
Collectivism, n.d, Psychology Glossary, retrieved from http://www.alleydog.com/glossary/definition.php?term=Collectivism#ixzz3QjnyYtJA
Individualism, n.d Psychology Glossary, retrieved fromhttp://www.alleydog.com/glossary/definition.php?term=Individualism
Scott, Gregory, N.d. Disadvantages of being an individualist
in an individualistic culture: Idiocentrism, emotional competence, stress, and
mental health, Selected Works of Frank Deane, retrieved from http://works.bepress.com/fdeane/102/
Koch, Richard, Oct. 7, 2013, Is Individualism Good or Bad? ,
The blog, retrieved from http://www.huffingtonpost.com/richard-koch/is-individualism-good-or-_b_4056305.html
Biddle, Craig, n.d. Individualism vs. Collectivism: Our
Future, Our Choice, the objective standard, retrieve from https://www.theobjectivestandard.com/issues/2012-spring/individualism-collectivism/